Upcoming Events Date & Time
Mon  11/25/2024  (All Day)  to
Fri  11/29/2024  (All Day)
Fri  12/20/2024  (All Day)
Fri  12/20/2024  (All Day)
Mon  12/23/2024  (All Day)  to
Fri  12/27/2024  (All Day)
Mon  12/30/2024  (All Day)  to
Fri  01/03/2025  (All Day)
Mon  01/06/2025  (All Day)
Tue  01/07/2025  (All Day)
Wed  01/08/2025  (All Day)
Mon  01/20/2025  (All Day)
Mon  02/10/2025  (All Day)
End of the fourth six weeks Fri  02/14/2025  (All Day)
Start of the fifth six weeks Mon  02/17/2025  (All Day)
Spring Break Mon  03/10/2025  (All Day)  to
Fri  03/14/2025  (All Day)
End of the fifth six weeks Fri  04/04/2025  (All Day)
Start of the sixth six weeks Mon  04/07/2025  (All Day)
Holiday Fri  04/18/2025  (All Day)
Bad Weather Day Mon  04/21/2025  (All Day)
Staff Development Day - Student Holiday Fri  05/09/2025  (All Day)
SC Graduation Rehearsal Mon  05/19/2025  10:00 am - 12:00 pm
SC Graduation Mon  05/19/2025  5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Early Release Fri  05/23/2025  (All Day)
End of the sixth six weeks Fri  05/23/2025  (All Day)
Holiday Mon  05/26/2025  (All Day)